Saturday, December 13, 2008

Welcome to Ganesh Inspirations

Hello, my name is Tamera and this will be my first post on my new blog.  I am excited to have this blog.  I've been meaning to set one up for a long time but never seem to have the time or I just haven't been motivated to do so, most likely it is the later.  
I am embarking on a wonderful journey of writing.  I have been a writer since I was 11 but not until this year have I been serious about it.  I was inspired to become a writer from Anne Frank.  I read her journal and knew that writing was for me.

I write about everything and in all types of styles.  The most abundant of my forms is poetry but I have some short stories and incomplete novels lying around.  Currently I am working on two non-fiction books.

I've decided to name my company Ganesh Inspirations because the Hindu God Ganesh is the
 god of arts, which includes writing.  When I discovered this in college I was fascinated by it and to this day the name has stayed with me.  I look forward to my growing collection of writings.  I will post my poems, stories, quick little ideas and whatever else comes my way.  Let's sit back, sip on some tea, coffee, or whatever you like to drink, and interact with each other until we are satisfied.

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