Saturday, December 13, 2008

Death Poems

Most of us at some point in our life experience losing someone close.  My mother passed away when I was 19 and since then I have become more comfortable with the idea of death.  I believe it is just another part in the circle of life.  I find death easier to deal with when I am writing.  All of  these poems deal with some form of death.  Not all will be losing of a loved one like the first two I have put out.  Keep checking back to see what I add.  I look forward to your comments.

Act of Pride

A voice dips through the crack we hear
"We have not money.  My
children deserve a better life,
away from the one bowl of 
oatmeal, half cup of juice, and 
potato pancakes for the past three years.
I listen to their constant stomach
growls, drifting to me 
from the termite-eaten table."
Tightening our circle by
the crack, the whispers dissipate into silence.
We clasp each others hand opening the 
kitchen door we creep through and
we see our mother's blood flow
peacefully onto the floor.
My sister speaks in a whisper - 
"Don't leave me."

Lost Son-

I walk through the cold
metal sliding doors that suck all the life
From outside - no germs allowed.

The caution sign reads
- don't light fire; oxygen in use -
The sterile iridescent lights

cast pale reflections against
the pale walls.  A man with pressed cream khakis
and white polo shirt rubs his dry eyes.

I take the moment to watch,
observing his face - thin line
etching stronger as I move closer.

Turning slowly with his sudden age
this man embraces me to share his grief;
all I can do is hold onto him.

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