Saturday, December 13, 2008


My daughter has become an inspiration to me. Everyday she makes me laugh and I am always amazed at how much she grows and learns.  These poems are inspired by her but can be about any child.  Each child brings pride and joy to his or her parents.  I look forward to your comments.


Laying in my arms, your head and legs dangling like you were in a lazy river.
I hand you your bottle and you grasp it like a jogger does after a marathon,
the refreshing formula guzzles down your throat.
In a minute you relax and wrap
your tiny fingers around my hand,
from your sleepy eyes you stare at me for a second,
then quickly shut them like a camera shutter.
Your head tilts back into sleep.

I'm amazed at your size,
you've sprouted like a plant only
a few months ago you were this 
tiny delicate plant that listed slightly
to the left.
Now you are straight,
your petals come down absorbing
the rain drops of knowledge - rushing up that stem,
extending your petals down further,
soaking that sun to give you the food to keep you sharp.


Sitting next to me I hear that dry racking
cough like a car trying to start on
a cold, blustery December morning -
only after a few attempts you sputter to life.
The green snot slides out of your nostrils
like the sludge of an old pop can.
I attempt to wipe your face and you 
jerk from side to side like a pin ball game.
I pull out the arsenal of saline drops, vapor rub, and sucktioner.
The first wave attack is saline drops,
laying you on your back,
I straddle my legs around you
as a vice grip.
Tilting your head back I manage to clear one nostril
and through wailing arms of your windmill
I clear the other with a few minor scratches.
You begin to tire,
breathing hard you whimper as a hurt animal.
I massage in the vapor rub
and hold you in my arms
rocking you as a ship in the ocean
into a restful sleep.

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